LAquestion1002011-11-16 16:56:06

Last night when walking the dog, a woman (white) came out of her house, and blamed me that my dog pooped on her grass. I told her it was not from my dog. She said: it looks new, hard believe it is not your dog. I said: it is true not my dog. my dog just pee there...Finally, she said something which I think it is very nasty, such as don't let you dog on my grass. Nexttime, I'll throw the poop on you.Then she went back.

I did not know how to react in this situtation. I stood there and did nothing.

What will you do when this happens on you? 

Thanks in advance for your advice

PS> I am sorry I am not good at Chinese typing.

舞女2011-11-16 17:07:00
Churchill2011-11-16 17:22:25
猫狗大妈2011-11-16 17:27:23
遇到过一次这种情形,虽然没P & P,虽然他没有说得难听,但他不高兴。
LAquestion1002011-11-16 17:33:48
回复:how to respond in this situation?
闲着~2011-11-16 17:34:42
嗯。我在小区里走,也尽量拉紧如发,不让它到别人门前的草地上, pee or poo
闲着~2011-11-16 17:36:05
next time say: shame on you! :) (simple and easy)如果别人侮辱你,就这么回答好了
猫狗大妈2011-11-16 18:05:15
与雨共舞2011-11-16 18:22:06
21882011-11-16 23:18:47