快乐就好运2011-12-12 18:48:54

生平第一次要养狗狗,(还一下就俩个魔天使宝宝)比多养一个孩子还要紧张百倍,有诸多问题望不吝赐教。。。( I will ask in English because I type pinyin very slow)

1. Can someone provide me a list of things I would need before their arrival?

2. What is their sleeping schedule like? any nap during the day? When is the bed time and how long can they sleep during the night? Do I need to bring them to the bathroom during the night? Will they bark at night or will they bark a lot during the day?

3. Are they friendly with kids? I have a 6 year-old and 1 year-old at home, any precaution i need to be aware of?

4. What is the most effective way of potty training? I know it is a big topic but I really have no experience at all

5. We will try to walk them everday but just in case we miss a day, will that be a big deal? And what is the max. hours we can leave them at home alone?

Actually I have tons of more questions but those are my most concerned ones, thank you in advance for all replies!!


ValuntinuoJudan2011-12-12 20:18:24
LWL2011-12-12 21:41:01
陈默2011-12-13 03:03:46
陈默2011-12-13 03:06:02
快乐就好运2011-12-13 09:14:39
谢谢,我这两天天天吊在网上查Maltese info..
快乐就好运2011-12-13 09:17:54
快乐就好运2011-12-13 09:24:54
大谢!我print出来好好研究研究.Can i ask you more questions in the future if
陈默2011-12-13 22:49:46
sure. Post here or QQH - either way. I am also a new mama~~~