princessonthepea2012-09-16 17:42:10
我们在领养狗狗的时候,这个美国老太太曾是它的shelter foster,因为之前狗狗有bladder stone,前主人把它送到shelter去了,shelter 给它手术完就让这个老太太在家养了几星期。老公在领养时没有表现出很大的热忱。就对女儿说,你们领狗要想清楚,因为你们领养,你们就要负起责任,要遛它,喂它,清理它。老太太就很担心我老公会对狗狗不好。我们领回狗狗后不停发邮件。开始我还因为她对狗狗的感情而理解她,耐心回答她邮件。有一次她就说,因为是她foster过的狗狗,所以她觉得她有权利要求到我家来visit,我怎么听着象视察一般。我老公有一点嫌疑犯的感觉。今天老太太又来一个邮件。这次太露骨了,居然大咧咧就问“how's your hu*****and's taking with C (the dog)?”还列举一大堆made in china 的狗食,没有根据地号称是毒死了宠物的罪魁祸首。我回了她一个邮件,觉得已经给了她足够的尊重,相反她没有尊重我们,反而因我们的尊重觉得自己很suerior。我老公说不要告诉她手术,说这样心肠的老太,没准会告我们。我说怕什么,狗狗这种病是generic的,又不是虐待出来的。我们问心无愧。


C (dog) is in hospital now. She had back problems. She will be discharged tomorrow. After that, there is going to be 8 weeks crate rest, physical therapy, and lots of vet follow up visits. So I think it's not good time to arrange a visit for you.

Please do not doubt my hu*****and's love to C. Your question has offended me! When C was diagnosted with disc problem, We could had the option to return her to the shelter. But my hu*****and was the one who decided to pay the hefty specailist bills to give her the best treatment. When I searched on line, I saw lots of Americans backed out from saving their pets, when they learned about the giant medical bills. They chose to put down their pets instead. We are not a wealthy family. My hu*****and is the only financial resouce for our family. He is a cheap guy who would bring left overs to work as lunch. But he did not hesitate to break our pockets to save C.

I do understand and respect your concerns and deep feeling to C. But can you please respect our feelings and privacy as well?

Besides, we have already changed the name for C.

Thank you,
Churchill2012-09-16 17:49:21
红鞋子2012-09-16 18:08:16
princessonthepea2012-09-16 18:10:30
拉了一句:I'm very proud of my husband's kind heart.
princessonthepea2012-09-16 18:12:43
羊脂玉净瓶2012-09-16 18:15:57
闲着~2012-09-16 18:48:03
你太棒了。你老公也太棒了。 不要叫他CHEAP GUY, 用frugal这个词比较好听。哈~
闲着~2012-09-16 18:48:57
冰块2012-09-16 19:28:57
njnj2012-09-16 19:29:06
这个老太太是挺讨厌,不过她也是爱狗心切。 你的回答很好。
zhenzhumao2012-09-16 21:07:39
ZhuZhuXia2012-09-17 01:13:21
陈默2012-09-17 02:50:44
1dog2catmom2012-09-17 03:44:51
有爱心的一家人! 老太太的心能理解但有多份。 给她的信, 大体不错, 如能简单, 则更好!
胡桃架子-2012-09-17 17:17:18
抱抱MM, 写太多了 :)
锦江河畔2012-09-19 07:14:44