一大堆测试下来,发现BUN 高, GLU 高。 两种可能:
1。food posioning
2. high protein diet cause kidney stress/failure(not likely for young dog)
医生严肃地警告我:stop the nonsense, put him back to dog food or cook for him!
我告诉医生因为小沙不爱吃饭才给他转raw diet 以及网上看到关于raw diet 的种种好处。 医生说:I don't have time to argue. I just want to tell you, if you believe its good for him, you should try first. Human started with raw diet too. Unless you can feed the dog sashimi quality food, Otherwise, Cook the meat!
看见小沙这么sick, 心很痛。同时还要通知他以前的主人,因为contract 里面有很多条例防止小沙生病。他不久要配种的。 不知道对方会如何反应。