七月20日上午,宠坛洛杉矶分舵如期举行了欢迎米西mm来访南加州的野餐会,参加聚会的有宝宝、豆豆、小熊、Lychee 和 Danny。豆豆的双胞胎弟弟泡泡因腿受伤在家休养,原计划来的旺旺也因故未能成行。
小Puppy 豆豆真是可爱至极,人见人爱;lychee 也是一个5个月大的西施犬,剪毛前漂亮无比,妈妈剪毛不成功,送去专业修剪人家只好一推光,没关系,毛长长了又是一漂亮小妞。小熊比上次聚会时个头大些了,已经9个月了。宝宝还是一如既往的英俊可爱。Danny 也是照样地精力充沛,活泼好动。
1. Dou Dou with sister
2. Bear
3. Dou Dou with Danny's sister
4. Bao Bao
5. Danny
6 Lychee
7. Dou Dou and Bear
8. Danny, BaoBao and Bear
9. Danny, BaoBao, and Bear racing
10. Danny, BaoBao, Bear playing
11. Playing together is so much fun
12. Danny is worried (check out his 4 legs, all off the ground)
13. Dou Dou
14. Danny Jumping
15. Bear jumping
16. Bao Bao running
17. Danny follows sister
18. Bao Bao running
19. Bao Bao and Mom
20. Bear and Mom
21. Lychee
22. Bear and Dou Dou
23. Danny with mom
24. Danny running
25. The Bear chases every one, except Danny
26. The Bear chases every one, except Danny
27. Lychee running
28. The Bear