houmaoyisheng2013-08-05 19:26:41

We got our baby Kiwi about two month ago. She is German Sheperd  and Lab mix.  She is about 5 month old and very smart.  I would like to get some help about house trainign especially Heel. She always runs in front of us no matter whatever.

I cannot type Chinese at work do can at home.

Any input will be apperciated!


我也有话说2013-08-05 19:49:39
corgi2013-08-05 21:41:14
blackmatter2013-08-05 22:13:43
There is a special leash that one end can
blackmatter2013-08-05 22:34:45
hands free leash,
houmaoyisheng2013-08-06 01:33:45
回复:Need some help with Puppy Training( 这里有训狗 Heel 的 专家吗?)
blackmatter2013-08-06 01:58:14
google "hands free leash", good luck.
houmaoyisheng2013-08-06 02:39:15
回复:google "hands free leash", good luck.
Churchill2013-08-06 15:36:49
防止Kiwi 拉扯狗绳的训练应该做这么几步:第一,行为上训练。每次感觉他pull的时候
houmaoyisheng2013-08-06 16:53:30
Thank you so much for all your input. Most of time is my 10y old
houmaoyisheng2013-08-06 17:00:28
回复:Thank you so much for all your input. Most of time is my 10y
Churchill2013-08-06 20:59:18
你是对的,不轻易使用Prong collar,而是顺应狗狗的本性来训练他。根据您的描述Kiwi目前
爱丽丝宝贝2013-08-07 00:46:49
Take some training classes. Learn loose leash walking first and
爱丽丝宝贝2013-08-07 00:49:44
houmaoyisheng2013-08-07 02:24:59
houmaoyisheng2013-08-07 19:28:04
Thanks for the input.