AtlasShrug2014-11-12 17:49:41



猫眯妈2014-11-12 23:26:33
别听vet的,没有特殊原因, 猫猫不需要4-8周洗一次澡.猫猫经常呕吐,要查看宝贝的呕吐物,确定是不是在吐毛球?如果是,
Juzizhoutou2014-11-13 00:37:30
It too much food, or the cat eats too fast, could cause the vomi
Juzizhoutou2014-11-13 00:38:34
Could cause the vomit. My two cats are all like that.
Juzizhoutou2014-11-13 00:41:02
I feed my cat with tender grass, she never vomit again.
Juzizhoutou2014-11-13 00:45:39
I fed the hair ball removal jell to my old cat, it never been wo
Juzizhoutou2014-11-13 00:47:57
It never been worked. The tender grass is the best H.B.M.
月下猫2014-11-13 04:00:44
除了勤梳毛,还可以喂猫Cat Lax,可以帮助消化毛球。俺家的狸猫夏天吐毛球很厉害,喂了Cat Lax两周后基本不吐了。
猫眯妈2014-11-13 05:32:31
学习了, 记下cat Lax, 有需要时给我家宝贝吃吃看, 多谢分享.
AtlasShrug2014-11-13 14:50:25
Juzizhoutou2014-11-15 04:30:19
If too much food...