天玉之2020-11-22 21:30:14


          【The Christmas Kettle】 

                  By Tian Yu Zhi 

A man walked in snow covered woods 
with no shoes on and no food to eat 
suddenly, he saw a red kettle 
like a campfire blazing in the dark 
the crystal sound of bell ringing, as if 
Santa Claus and reindeers were coming 

Many families in town are waiting  
for that campfire, helpless like him 
children are counting the days of Santa sleigh's arriving 
money may not buy happiness but giving surely will 
magic happens after you drop a dollar or a dime 
in the red Christmas kettle 

Next time you see a red kettle and hear the bell ringing
please put a piece of wood in the fire pit 
whether it is a small branch or a big log 
it doesn’t matter; we thank you 
the warm and fuzzy feeling will glow in your heart 
as it will in many others’, simply because  
you stopped by at the Christmas kettle 




The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign started in San Francisco in 1891.  Now it helps more than 4.5 million people during the Thanksgiving and Christmas time periods. This year in my town, the money from the kettle supports the 29th Annual Turkey fest of 1500 dinners and its “rescue Christmas” program providing 4000 families with Christmas presents for children. Due to coronavirus pandemic, more help is needed this year. I have done it for twenty years with my rotary club. The two-hour bell ringing has became a fun holiday tradition for me. You may sign up at the Salvation Army website and be a bell ringer volunteer too. It is really fun ~~


Some interesting history and facts about "Christmas Kettle":









作业本2020-11-24 18:40:46
天玉之2020-11-25 17:19:00
王武2020-11-26 02:35:56
天玉之2020-11-26 05:19:25
谢谢鼓励!呵呵,没啥厉害呀,就摇个铃儿而已,英文诗也是试着写的,总没有用母语写有底气 :)
王武2020-11-26 05:50:58