wxc5012021-03-21 20:39:09

这是来自Simon Winchester 的关于长江的一本书:

Looking at the old river

from the opposite banks

of a yellow ribbon

Like reading an ancient scroll

pictograghs of man’s flailing 

against the eddies

of oft told histories...

盈盈一笑间2021-03-22 13:14:32
中间小谢2021-03-23 01:13:30
盈盈一笑间2021-03-23 15:45:16
wxc5012021-03-23 18:00:37
I sent the author an email asking him the original text by Li Ba
盈盈一笑间2021-03-24 00:20:06
Great! Plz keep us posted. What's the name of his book?
wxc5012021-03-24 00:51:44
The River at the center of the world. by Simon Winchester
盈盈一笑间2021-03-24 03:25:27
Thanks for sharing. :)