【Autumn Landscape】
By Tian Yu Zhi
In the autumn landscape of her backyard
Roses are blooming in a southern corner
For now, she is content with its location ——
Enough sunshine brings bright colors to the petals
Even turns them into rose trees
A flock of turkeys come to drink in the nearby brook
While they gobble and yelp over fast approaching Thanksgiving
She is quietly planting and caring for new trees,
The kind found in prehistoric fossils and ambers
A few years ago, she planted a ginkgo tree, where
She could see it from her bedroom window every morning
Some nights, she comes out and talks to the tree,
A bond and a promise, only she and the tree know
Perhaps, the best colors of a fall canvas
Can't be seen with eyes, but felt with hearts
All from my garden, I took these photos yesterday. I planted most of the trees and flowers. Have a beautiful Monday, my friends ~~