天玉之2022-03-12 15:19:01



           【What Would I Die For?】



                    By Tian Yu Zhi



I am a civilian, not a soldier

What would I die For?



I would not die for any land or sky 

Mountain or sea, they belong to God

They were there before me, and

They will be there after me



I would not die for wealth or possession

It doesn’t take much for me to live and be happy 

Why desire so much, for a short hundred years

A handful of dust, after all




I would not die for someone else’s ambition

To unite, divide, annex, just for another’s dream 

To leave a mark in the history book 

Blood and flesh, ideology and doctrine

All perish, in the smoke and fire of war




But, Heaven forbid, I would die for my children

My family members, my true love

I would die for my friends, and the bullied 

I would die for the freedom of my soul




I become a soldier, the day 

When they try to take them away from me





* Pray for all those civilian turned soldiers in Ukraine 










秦照2022-03-12 18:49:29
盈盈一笑间2022-03-13 17:50:03
天玉之2022-03-13 22:56:57
天玉之2022-03-13 22:59:05
谢谢!握手,问好 ~~ 这段时间跟踪战事,我给我乌克兰朋友的email 发不出去,但愿他们安好
盈盈一笑间2022-03-13 23:52:13
天玉之2022-03-14 00:09:10
盈盈一笑间2022-03-14 00:13:40
天玉之2022-03-14 01:34:26
谢谢,亲爱的。她中文说得真好。老百姓真是遭罪啊,像二战时的感觉。。。我subscribe 她的频道了,特别为首都担心
盈盈一笑间2022-03-14 03:05:21
天玉之2022-03-14 16:01:31