如果有心,会发现Lori Mckenna和很多乡村音乐大咖的名字联系在一起,比如大名鼎鼎的Tom McGraw和Faith Hill 夫妇,Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban,Taylor Swift, Little Big Town 组合等。2016年,她近48岁,歌曲创作生涯达到顶峰时期,获格莱美最佳乡村歌曲《Girl Crush》创作奖(和Liz Rose和Hillary Lindsey合作),2017年再次获得格莱美最佳乡村歌曲创作奖,即Tom McGraw的《Humble and kind》(谦卑和善良)(2016) ,格莱美提名多次,今年提名歌曲(五位合作之一) 《A Beautiful Noise》(美丽的噪音)。她被赞誉为“乡村音乐界最炙手可热的写歌者”,实至名归。 如果感兴趣,不妨关注一下音乐评论人推荐她写的10首歌曲【1】。
这里首先分享她为乡村歌手David Nail 写的歌《Home》(ft.Lori Mckenna) ,正如“Your Life In A Song ”网站【2】介绍: “要从一张专辑里选择一首出众的单曲非常难,但《Home》除外,它无疑带有Lori McKenna鲜明独特的风格,让人陶醉,至今仍然是我们最常听(播放)的歌曲之一。” 在自己看来,此歌如山间清澈的小溪,她心目中的“家”娓娓道来。
来自马萨诸塞-斯托顿(Stoughton),她近期歌曲与中年女性的生活有关,比如《The Bird & The Rifle》(鸟与来复枪)(2016),它把深陷琐碎日常生活中的家庭主妇的“笼中鸟”心态表达了出来。还有歌曲《People Get Old》(老了)(来自她为父亲写的专辑《Tree》2018),第一句歌词就这样: Someone said, ‘Youth is wasted on the young.’(曾经有人说过:“青春消耗在孩子身上”),生活细节在她眼睛里既朴素又生动,充满温馨,父爱有加,如歌中唱道:“你总觉得他只有45岁(不会老),他待你如花儿(孩子)”。尽管她自认为嗓音听起来天然忧伤,但创作的大多数歌曲是欢乐的,而且她希望听者能够有所思、有所想。
或许因为她是五个孩子的母亲,Lori Mckenna更愿意用自己的歌声和后生、包括自己的孩子分享她的人生感悟,比如那首《Humble and kind》(2016),表达了简单而永恒的做人之道,这不是我们的父母常常教导我们的?再比如《Old Men Young Women》(老男人年轻女人)(2016),能够感受到一位母亲的担忧,并试图谆谆教导那些女孩,不过,她关闭2016年上传YouTube视频评论,或许话题比较敏感,难以评说,2017年又再次上传YouTube一次,视频信息中包括了她个人网站链接,YouTube频道链接,而且打开了评论区,上传两次比较少见,一种纠结或者风格?不管歌唱的内容如何,这首歌的曲调非常优美大气。 她在《When you’re my age》(当你到我这个年纪)(2020)中同样含蓄表达了母亲对孩子未来特有的担忧,以至于她自己无法说清楚其中的五味杂陈,于是,只有让好朋友Liz Rose 和 Hillary Lindsey 帮助完成了这首歌,我们可以从音乐视频(YouTube)中看到三个合作者的身影。当然,生活里总会有矛盾冲突,在她看来,只不过是一次《Good Fight》(2020)…
作为一位卓有成就的歌曲创作者,一次媒体视频采访她并问了一个有趣的问题【4】,我自己也非常想知道答案,“如果世界上有一首歌,你最希望是自己写的,会是哪一首?” 她毫不犹豫地回答道:“有很多歌曲,如果要从中选一首,那就是Mike Reed 和Alan Shambling 写的《I can’t make you love me》(1991)”(非常经典的歌曲),由此可见,“爱”就是她歌曲创作的主题,从1999年专辑《Paper Wings & Halo》(纸翼和光环)开始,至今她已经发布了数张专辑,她如乡村音乐里朴素又亲切的“博客”写作者,充满着对生活的爱和一位母亲的智慧。
最后,用Lori McKenna自己的一句话【3】恰如其分地评价了她本人的音乐旅程:“我喜欢慢慢变老,年轻时我不知道这是怎样一回事,它其实是一个不断求索、不停自我成长进步的过程,身在其中非常受用。” 人到中年,认识这一点难能可贵。其实,当心里有爱,生活必然带来满足。
图2,商场看到这个漂亮的《Humble and Kind》咖啡杯.
【2】Song Of The Day: David Nail – ‘Home’ (feat. Lori McKenna)https://yourlifeinasong.com/song-day-david-nail-home-feat-lori-mckenna?amp=1
Home — Lyrics
Got the window rolled down
Hand in the air
Ain't a much better feeling
Then the feeling of the freedom there
Mississippi River
Start singing to me
I got the window rolled down
I was always a dreamer
Guess I would have been different
If I could
But who I've been
And who I'm trying to be
Always a dreamer
It's where you're from
It's your oldest friend
And you think it will forget you
When you go
But you know it'll take you back in
It won't fade away
It'll watch you leave
Stay sitting there waiting in the fields
In the sky in a storm
In your blood and your bones
We were just babies
Thinking love was a race
Always taking it further
Than everybody else our age
We were grain in the gravel
We were still green
Yeah we were just babies
It's where you're from
It's your oldest friend
And you think it will forget you
When you go
But you know it'll take you back in
It won't fade away
It'll watch you leave
Stay sitting there waiting in the fields
In the sky in a storm
In your blood and your bones
If you were just driving through town, you'd be telling yourself
This is just nowhere, somewhere, bypass, don't care, on your way to somewhere else
Bu damn that ain't the way it felt
It's where you're from
It's your oldest friend
And you think it will forget you
When you go
But you know it'll take you back in
It won't fade away
It'll watch you leave
Stay sitting there waiting in the fields
In the sky in a storm
In your blood and your bones
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Sylvian
Home lyrics © Scrambler Music, Pulse Nation, Hoodie Songs, These Are Pulse Songs, Creative Pulse Music, Be Barry Quiet, Songs Of Universal Inc.
When You're My Age
When you're my age
I hope the world is kinder
Than it seems to be right now
And I hope the front page isn't just a reminder
Of how we keep letting each other down
When I was your age
Things didn't seem to be this hard
Riding bikes out on the street
Playing tag in the back yard
You'll outgrow your shoes
You'll outgrow your bed
You'll outgrow this house
Just don't forget
When you're all grown up
But you don't feel that way
You're still gonna be my baby
Even when you're my age
When you're my age
You'll still be full of questions
That I wish I had the answers to right now
And those dark times might make you second guess it
But I bet love will still be making the world go round
When I was your age
I didn't worry like I think you do
Back then innocence was something
You could hold onto
You'll outgrow your shoes
You'll outgrow your bed
You'll outgrow this house
Just don't forget
When you're all grown up
But you don't feel that way
You're still gonna be my baby
Even when you're my age
When you have kids someday
I hope you teach them the Lord's Prayer
Before they go to bed at night
Like my daddy did for me and his mother before him
Well something about it just keeps you right
And I hope you don't work too much overtime
So you can be right there beside them
When they close their little eyes
'Cause they'll outgrow their shoes
They'll outgrow their beds
They'll outgrow that house
And you can't stop it
Life will line your face
Time will turn the page
But they're still gonna be your babies
Just like you're still gonna be my baby
Even when you're my age
Even when you're my age
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Liz Rose / Hillary Lee Lindsey / Lori Mc Kenna
When You're My Age lyrics © Songs Of Crazy Girl Music, Creative Pulse Music, Maps And Records Music, Concord Sounds
People Get Old
Someone said, "Youth is wasted on the young"
I spilled every last drop of time that summer in the sun
My daddy had a Timex watch
Cigarette in his hand and a mouthful of scotch
Spinnin' me around like a tilt-a-whirl on his arm
Houses need paint, winters bring snow
Kids, come on in before your supper gets cold
Collection plates and daddy's billfold
And that's how it goes
You live long enough, people get old
I sat up right beside him in the cabin of that truck
Goin' thirty miles-an-hour down a side road talkin' 'bout the fish we caught
And I'm older now than he was then
If I could go back in time, I would in a second
To his beat-up blue jeans and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off
Houses need paint, winters bring snow
Kids growin' up and seekin' out the window
Hittin' every small-town dirt road
And that's how it goes
You live long enough and people get old
Yeah, people get old
Daddy keeps busy in the aftenoons playin' cards by himself
And he shouldn't be shovelin' that first snow, but you know he won't take the help
Full of pride and love, he don't say too much but hell, he never did
And you still think he's forty-five and he still thinks that you're a kid
One day you'll find yourself sayin' the things that he said
You'll be walkin' down the hallway, turnin' off every light switch
When you twirl your kids in your arms
Before you know it, it won't take too long
They'll be runnin' off makin' a life just like you did
Houses need paint, winters bring snow
Nothin' says "love" like a band of gold
Babies grow up and houses get sold
And that's how it goes
Time is a thief, pain is a gift
The past is the past, it is what it is
Every line on your face tells a story somebody knows
That's just how it goes
You live long enough and the people you love get old
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Lori Mckenna
People Get Old lyrics © Concord Music Publishing LLC