house20052022-01-30 15:08:46

2009年首次夺得澳网冠军,之后连续输了四场决赛,现在三十五岁了,我都觉得他不可能再拿一次澳网冠军了。结果,在落后两盘的情况下,经过五个小时二十四分钟的战斗,居然硬生生地赢了!这是神一样的表现呀……If anything, the success of Rafael Nadal proves that you can accomplish almost anything in life if you're willing to SUFFER for it. If you're willing to WORK for it. If you're willing to put your soul into what you do, every single day, and if you do that enough times - you'll be successful.

barons20172022-01-30 15:50:00