Fanreninus2022-03-25 01:29:56

I've got a stody to tell


Don't just look at the facts that

they ruined our homes

or my country is almost gone

or they have either killed my compatriots, or diiven them and myself away 

but also look at what they gave to my uncle who couldn't escape

They gave him something to eat

Because of their humanity,

my uncle didn't starve to death

Not only that,

I also got a story to tell


I want people to know how good they are

Otherwise, people will only see

war, ruins, death, refuge, tears and blood

I also want people to know

the endless tragic pictures are not the whole truth

the endless sad stories are not the whole story


Not only did they burn down

our villages, towns, hospitals, schools, houses,

and killed our parents, husbands and children

they also gave my uncle something to eat

to keep him alive

and me a story to tell

For these, we are both grateful

My uncle won't let them get out of our land

Otherwise he wouldn't have anything to eat

I won't let them go back to their country

Otherwise I wouldn't have such a story to tell


I want everyone to know the facts within the facts

I want everyone to hear the story within the story

This is not a war of aggression

This is a special military operation

They came here not only to burn, kill and destroy

but also to keep my uncle from starving to death

This is not a made-up legend,

This is a true story