https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzjHIAkd9-U "Paris, Je t'aime" sounds random in its editing but breathtaking, distinctly French overall (in terms of abstractness) - refreshingly so - all about human relationship: friendship, parenting, lovers, inter-culture, business, etc. Sweet, nostalgic, crispy, witty, of abstractness about life. In the end, Paris is a place to find yourself lost somewhere else. Perhaps, I pray that such realization came to you upon viewing the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzjHIAkd9-U Other than the vampire scene, the movie was tied well together with different characters - Natalie Portman, Olga Kurylenko, Emily Mortimer, Maggie Gyllenhaal. Perhaps each of us has found something from his life in this movie. "Friends stab you in the front." (William) "What did you say?" "How could you be ever happy w/. a man who insists on treating you as though as you were a perfectly normal human being?" "Those are two of my favorite things he ever said." "I knew that." William. "I knew you had that in you somewhere." "Let us go back to our room. I make you laugh," William. Everything from 1:39:22 of Gena Rowlands to the end of the scene leaving the restaurant is my type of sarcasm. She thrived in "The Notebook". <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzjHIAkd9-U =
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