pandaeggs2022-04-05 17:50:42

An institute has paid rents and late fees for my tenant. I am not sure if the late fees (~$500) should be counted as the income. If so, I need to pay tax for this income. Could you please let me know? Many thanks.

pandaeggs2022-04-05 17:52:38
Questions about late fees.
jenning2022-04-05 17:57:05
It is taxable income as long as it went into your pocket.
老胖妞爱小肥羊2022-04-05 18:01:42
算是income 吧,我还觉得你比较幸福呢,竟然还能收到late fee, 我有个租客每月late,
越王剑2022-04-05 18:40:01
Indeed, lol
常谈2022-04-05 19:02:03
这个机构会deduct tax for expense,所以你要报收入税。
pandaeggs2022-04-05 20:55:44
Many thanks for your responses.