smallth2022-06-17 01:46:50

今天收到HOA 寄给我的一张$1150的账单,说是修理漏水的费用。情况是这样的,这个公寓大楼一共有4层,我们住在3层, 最下面一层是停车场。 大约3月底停车场的ceiling有漏水,HOA让一个plumber检查了下,说应该是我们这个Unit或者我们下面的Unit墙里面的问题,然后检查后发现是在我们热水器墙后面连接我们Unit和下面Unit的一段水管漏水。这个水管连到我们热水器的冷水管,但在2个Units中间, 按plumber的说法是"the leaking is from the pipe between the unit 23 (我们的) and unit 11 (楼下的), connected to the cold waterline to the water heater in unit 23,and going down to the building."

总共居然有$2300,HOA说因为"the pipe Exclusive Use water like, Which served only your unit, was leaking inside the wall. The board members reviewed the invoice at April 26, 2022 and determined that, according to the XXX HOA Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, that the Exclusive Use waterline repaire was the responsibility of the unit owner". 因为$2300里面包括了车库墙壁的修补,HOA 说问了plumber,大约有一半的工作是修补车库, 所以我们现在让我支付1150。 

这断水管虽然是连到我们的热水器, 但是不在我们单元里面, 而是在2个单元连接处墙里面,这种情况应该我支付这个修补费用么?



徒劳2022-06-17 03:44:17
"the pipe Exclusive Use water like, served only your unit'
smallth2022-06-17 04:55:49
小小主2022-06-17 05:45:00