Vacancies: two professors and two assistant lecturers/lecturers. One professor is in Financial Engineering and the other one in Risk Management.
Location: Financial Engineering Research Centre, Suzhou University, Suzhou, China. This is a newly established research centre. Suzhou City and Suzhou university will invest heavily to make sure it will become one of the leading research centres in Finance in China in a few years time. The research topics are not fixed yet, depending on the interests of the professors.
Remuneration: Depending on your qualification and work experience. Very competitive including relocation package and house allowance etc. The salary is discretionary and will be comparable to UK counterparts.
待遇: 根据你的研究水平和应聘岗位决定。工资,安家费和住房补贴都会考虑到你目前的收入情况。
For more information, please contact: Dr Mao, 0776 2901007, email:
如需要进一步详情,请我毛博士联系,电话 (0044)776 2901007, 邮箱: