yasminjiang2009-07-26 18:05:03
After 18 months into the recession, the housing market starts showing signs of recovery. To respond to the growing interest in taking advantage of falling house prices, Chinese Property Professionals Society (CPPS) is organising the "London Housing Forum", which is supported by Department of Property, Surveying & Construction, London South Bank University. We will bring together the industry players, experienced investors, and the first time buyers to discuss the opportunities that the current market is presenting to house buyers.

Guest speakers at the forum will include government housing officer, housing market specialist, property developer, estate agent, solicitor, mortgage adviser and a few experienced buyers to share their knowledge and experience. Being held in the form of keynote speech and panel discussion, the forum aims to provide a thorough education to the first time buyers on the house buying process and an in depth market analysis of the current opportunities to private investors. The main topics will be covering market trend analysis, how to choose the location, how to select the property and price negotiation etc.

A housing special interest group will also be set up at the forum to share the experience and information going forward. We believe by setting up this group, we can understand the market better and have the bargaining power to negotiate a better price with the developers.

Details of the forum are as follow:

Date: August 15 (Sat), 2009
Venue: London South Bank University

1400-1430 Register & Reception
1430-1530 Opening Speech & Speakers Session
1530-1600 Break & Networking
1600-1700 Forum Discussion, Q&A
1700-1800 Drinks & Networking

Cost: Free to CPPS members
£3.00 for non-members (pay at the door)

Please register your interest by emailing your name, profession and contacts to cppeventsadmission@googlemail.com by 05 Aug. Places are limited and therefore offered on a first come first serve basis. For any query regarding the event, please contact, Andrew (07903853172) or Ben (07888710371).