我去a&l要我2006年开户以来的所有的账单,因为我的CURRENT ACCOUNT是网上银行每个月没有账单寄的,他们电话里跟我说,让我自己打,我说,没有过去那么多年的记录,他们说没错,只有9个月的,以往的旧要5胖子一个月,我说,Darling, i am very careful with my bank account i knew what i signed for. i understand there is no statements will be sent to me monthly, however i can print it out myself online,BUT there is no small prints nor terms or conditions says up to 9 months.....i can go back home gid out all the customer information package to proove it. but do we have to go through all the hassle? 这男青年说,那我们就这么规定的,我说你这规定什么时候加的,我去年给了你们10块,你们给了我3年的账单,今年你们就5 胖子了一个月了?i am not a difficult customer, but i know what i am talking about. please dont take this personally,我去了3家银行都给了账单基本都免费的,i am sure u can do something for me. 他说那你1小时以后打回来,我调你账单出来,然后找经理给你看看咱们怎么少收你点,,,,后续,,,先看歌剧去了,,