I bought 2 plots of land (quite silly.) by using cheques and 3 credit cards. The land company is in liquidation. 2 out of 3 credit card companies have made refund according to the law. - One refunded money through negotiations; the other one offered me refund with involvement of Financial Ombudsman Service.
Under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, I hold Barclaycard jointly and severally liable for the breach of contract/misrepresentation by UKLI Limited (a land company).
Barclaycard refused to refund. The Financial Ombudsman Service did not uphold my claim. I therefore want go to court.
“Court rules require you to think about whether alternative dispute resolution is a better way to reach an agreement before going to court.”
I am checking some websites, such as www.communitylegaladvice.org.uk www.asauk.org.uk www.adviceguide.org.uk www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk www.moneyclaim.gov.uk
to see if I still need to seek alternative dispute resolution.
In the meantime, please anyone who has this kind of experience or knowledge gives me some clue so I can make it in an efficient way. E.g. I should go to court straightaway, or seek alternative dispute resolution through other organization?
Thanks in advance.
A Tenacious Defender