deerrocks2011-04-11 12:44:06



Wang’s Vase

The buyer of the scroll is committed to pay a third of his bill within a week and the balance within three months. An agent representing the Liaoning-based real estate billionaire Wang Jianlin -- identified by dealers as the successful bidder at Bainbridges -- was not allowed to register for the sale because of the payment delay for the record-breaking Ruislip vase, Ansas said.

The same rules applied to bidders for an Imperial Qianlong- dynasty white jade seal offered a few hours later by the fellow Toulouse auction house, Chassaing-Marambat.

deerrocks2011-04-20 16:37:44
中国首富没人敢碰呀?能想象RICHARD BRANSON /ALAN SUGAR拍卖不付钱,传媒会让他们有好日子过?!