Keep your nose out of what the Chinese do in their own country Dave but take more notice of the poor way native Brits are treated at home! It seems that every illegal immigrant or asylum seeker, convict or criminal has more rights in the UK than any law abiding citizen! This needs to change so before trying to change the face of the world put your own country to right.
Mr Wen, who has seen his country grow to become the second largest economy in the world... How? 1) Simple clearly understood tax system, cheap to administer and easy to pay. 2) Cheap energy by robust power station building program. 3) Freedom from regulation, free trade zones totally deregulated. In other words, Government got out of the way and let people work for money. What a shocking idea. Revolutionary, almost.
Don't lecture China on human rights. I agree until Britain gets its own house in order it had better keep quiet. Britain could start by giving the British a say on EU membership, open borders and the provision of jobs for our army of unemployed. It needs to create some industries that will provide work. Those on welfare need to get back to work but there isn't enough work, what about their rights as British citizens to have the chance to earn a decent living? What about the rights of people to walk in safety on the streets? The list is long and lecturing China wont solve our problems.
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UK has a long way to go before they understand the concept of Human Rights. So many violations take place and they are not rectified either. Shame on Britain.