BFI Southbank
this june they are going to open the season A Century of Chinese Cinema curated by Noah Cowan.
the season runs 4 and half months including silent films from 1920s to martial art films in recent years.
films shown in June:
老巩的爱情 love's labours
红霞 red heroine
春蚕 spring silkworms
新女性 new women
大路 the highway
十字街头 crossroads
夜半歌声 song at midnight
马路天使 street angel
一江春水向东流 the spring water flows east
我的一辈子 this whole life of mine
上饶集中营 shangrao concentration camp
危楼春晓(?) in the face of demolition
父母心 parents' hearts
祝福 new year's sacrifice
没有完成的喜剧 an unfinished comedy
红色娘子军 red detachment of women
梁山伯与祝英台 the love eterne
李双双 li shuangshuang
舞台姐妹 two stage sisters
东方红 the east is red
烈火中永生 red crag: life in eternal flame
东夫人 (?) the arch
冬暖 the winter
秋决 execution in autumn
再见中国 china behind
小城之春 spring in a small town