呆霸王2009-05-05 07:12:51

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Dogwood 有红白粉三品种。被美国三个州设为州树州花。这是刚在VA摄的。

“The Dogwood (Cornus florida) and its inflorescence are the state tree and the state flower respectively for the U.S. Commonwealth of Virginia. It is also the state tree of Missouri and the state flower of North Carolina.”(WIkIpedia)
Loveforever13142009-05-05 12:23:43
我是梦儿2009-05-05 15:30:32
花开玉骨冰肌,香凝万树千枝....太美了,谢谢霸王 :)多上几张啊
小得2009-05-06 00:51:45