libaobao2022-07-01 03:23:55

儿子16岁,现在10年级到11年级的暑假。9-10年级是我们所在学区的公立 A 高中,每个年级400人,Great School 8-9分,Niche A+。开学后,会去上我们这里最好的公立 M 高中,只有11和12年级,每个年级50个人,都是附近方圆50迈之内30多个公立高中里的尖子学生,Niche排名全美最佳公立高中前15名;非常注重STEM学习和各种数学、科学竞赛(都不是儿子的长项),但是没有体育。

刚刚收到 A 高中的email,说他eligeble报名 A 高中的NHS;这个倒是有可操作性,因为 M 高中里有的学生确实也回到他们自己的feeding school去参加运动队活动。就是不知道这个NHS有什么意义?

算是社区服务?儿子因为在某几个体育项目里,拿到了全国年龄组前五,其中一个是第一;而且也考下了一级教练证书,他在过去一年多时间里,一直在他们俱乐部里做义务助理教练(在主教练的指导下),每次训练都在教junior athlets。不知道这个在申请大学的时候,能不能算是社区服务的小时数?


新去的 M 高中会很忙,据老生说没有12点之前睡觉的。不太想让儿子在维持紧张学习和目前的运动项目的同时,再加什么别的幺蛾子了。如果这个NHS没什么大意思,我们就不鼓励他在母校 A 高中申请了。


附:A 高中的邀请信

Dear Axxx HS Student, June 30, 2022

On behalf of the faculty of Axxx High School, we are happy to inform you that you have been identified as academically eligible for consideration for membership in the National Honor Society. Eligibility is determined by your weighted, cumulative GPA which must meet or exceed our chapter’s standard for scholarship currently set at 4.0. You should be proud of this personal accomplishment which serves as the first step in our selection process.

In order to continue with this process, you must submit a portfolio of information to be reviewed by the chapter's faculty council. In addition to the scholarship standard, membership in NHS is also based on service, leadership, and character. To be selected as a NHS member, you must demonstrate in a portfolio that you have met or exceeded these additional standards.

An explanation of what your NHS Portfolio must include will be provided when you attend a mandatory in person meeting @ 2:45 pm on Wednesday, August 31 (the first day of school). This mandatory meeting will take place in the Black Box Theater.

Each student will be given 30 days to prepare their NHS portfolio, and there are things to be done this summer in preparation. For example:
● Continue your service hours in the community. Service should be varied & continuous.
● Begin to accumulate a record of all service completed since freshman year.
● Begin asking for letters of recommendation from people who know your character, leadership and service.
● Think of what you may want to write in an essay about how service has shaped you as an Axxx High Shcool student.
● Decide if you want to apply to NHS? Is it for you? Are you ready to join a group that serves the greater community each month and demonstrates excellent leadership?

Congratulations on your eligibility for candidacy in Axxx High School's NHS Chapter. We ask that you NOT email us before August 31, as we will not be releasing any other information regarding the portfolio. We look forward to seeing you on August 31, should you decide to apply to the National Honor Society.

Ms. xxx and Ms. xxx
Advisors to the Axxx High School Chapter of the National Honor Society

randomness2022-07-01 03:30:43
libaobao2022-07-01 03:34:57
randomness2022-07-01 03:40:23
bear20162022-07-01 03:44:00
libaobao2022-07-01 03:46:44
libaobao2022-07-01 03:48:09
fantasticdream2022-07-01 03:51:12
圆西瓜2022-07-01 03:53:34
randomness2022-07-01 03:58:42
这个都能参加吧。好像GPA3.2 就够格
libaobao2022-07-01 04:00:26
libaobao2022-07-01 04:02:49
libaobao2022-07-01 04:04:12
圆西瓜2022-07-01 04:16:18
每个高中标准不一样的吧。3.2 也太低了。
七月徐风2022-07-01 04:32:53
Rockeymountain2022-07-01 05:08:58
女童军有很多也是家长参与帮孩子做的。什么为赞比亚捐款买机器打井啥的, 绝对家长干的。
bear20162022-07-01 12:37:00
有的,我们这里做完义工后还要file paper work, 才能算,不是自己申报的。要求小时数各个学校不同。但如果孩子有别的更
bear20162022-07-01 12:38:00
bear20162022-07-01 12:39:00
Lionkingmom2022-07-01 13:53:10