蓝调2022-10-11 05:25:58


The list is extensive and includes some of the most influential names in the overlapping worlds of technology, science and academia.

Among them are billionaire inventor and OpenAI founder Elon Musk, Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, artificial intelligence researcher Stuart Russell, as well as the three founders of Google DeepMind — the company’s premier machine learning research group.

In total, more than 160 organizations and 2,460 individuals from 90 countries promised this week not to participate in or support the development and use of lethal autonomous weapons. The pledge says artificial intelligence is expected to play an increasing role in military systems and calls upon governments and politicians to introduce laws regulating such weapons “to create a future with strong international norms.”


蓝调2022-10-11 05:31:26
Starlink: 开通服务第一个亚洲国家日本 等
眼镜2022-10-11 05:50:40
眼镜2022-10-11 06:13:21
好像delta 用starlink 给乘客提供免费飞机里的Wi-Fi.
加州阳光1232022-10-11 06:18:12
这个问题好像最初就是Elon Musk, 盖茨等提出的他们对AI的担忧
borisg2022-10-11 12:28:28
想什么呢,做ROBOT的公司,比如BOSTON DYNAMICS,哪个不是DOD出钱的。
千里一盏灯2022-10-11 12:36:52
katies2022-10-11 13:10:16
只怕这次俄乌战争后,会兴起新的军备竞赛,尤其在AI辅助下的robot killer。
icando22022-10-11 14:30:02