颤音2018-11-28 16:38:32

The Power of Silence A parody on The Sound of Silence


Hello grey shade, my old mate

I’ve come to open your gate

Because a vision constantly seeping

Left its seeds when I was reaping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the power of silence

In endless dreams I walked along

A crowd humming a dissonant song

Prisoned in the halo of a bogus sun

I turned my collar to the cold and numb

When my eyes were thawed by the warmth of a shooting star

That carved a scar

And cracked the power of silence

And in the fleeting light I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People reciting without writing

People sleeping without dreaming

People drawing hopes that colors never share

And no one dared

Arouse the power of silence

Fellows, said I, you need to know

Silence is deemed to glow

Catch the light of every shooting star

Grip the heat of every shooting star

But my words, like silent snowflakes fell

And melt in the land of silence

And the people knelt and prayed

To the bogus sun they made

And the halo flashed out its creed

In the words that the people heed

And the sign said, the words of the savior are written on the towering walls

And stifling halls

And imprisoned the power of silence

hutu456782018-11-28 17:24:38
颤音2018-11-28 20:18:44
谢谢 贴了加长版 希望更完整些
世上事本无2018-11-28 22:03:07
Awesome! 很有力量,关于觉醒。