猪头肉2009-02-06 20:45:32

拜读了你的大作. 有些感想, 不吐不快..

你的文章从头到尾, 渗透着些许得意, ......也许同时带些矫揉, 带些造作, 也许是些浅薄也不一定.

真心希望, in reality, your life is really like what you have described in your article not by imagination, or at least from your angle of view the life is like that.... indeed. Do not get me wrong, i am not saying this due to being jealous or something similar. Just from the bottom of my heart i am not feeling positive about it.

我曾经读过一些描写生活, 自然的散文. 非常喜欢. 但是从你的文章里, 我看不道那些美,随意和轻松. 只是感到你似乎对于表达你比别人活的优越更感兴趣. 这也是我读了你的文章的唯一感受.

No offence, just want to express what i am geninuely thinking while reading your article. Perhaps someone else is having the same feeling as mine? or I am the only one having such a weird feeling??
一头爱爬树的猪2009-02-07 01:43:10