东东西西2011-06-23 00:46:45

A FRESH bout of ''resource nationalism'' could be imminent, amid speculation that Brazil is poised to follow Australia's lead by imposing a major tax on its mining industry.


Less than two weeks after the Australian government released details of its revised mining tax, a report from Brazil suggests a tax of up to 25 per cent is being considered for that nation's mining industry.


Published in Brazil's biggest-selling newspaper, the report was unconfirmed last night, but it followed more than a year of consultation between the government and miners over reform of the sector.


东东西西2011-06-23 00:50:53
Mining Tax的潜规则就是:既然中国人有钱,为什么不让他们再付多点
adacat2011-06-23 01:07:03
挺好。资源是国家和人民的,不是几个矿业公司独霸地 -这个观点我同意。~~
大牛哥2011-06-23 01:42:06
东东西西2011-06-23 01:49:19
adacat2011-06-23 01:54:45
charge2011-06-23 04:23:02
片仔癀2011-06-23 07:39:39
臭鼬,花花的2011-06-23 09:47:16