Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 13:48:26

结果我看到城头的文章,是华为员工写的。任重道远啊! Fake China is a brand now? Long way to recover from that!


Back to child education, isn't it ironic that a frequently asked question among parents is:

What is the quickest/easiest way to earn MONEY?

China seems to have an answer. But it is a bad answer. IMHO, it is not the right answer. Taking a shortcut can only carry you for a few steps, not a long journey, certainly not enough to win the race against the best in the world.

Instead, we should have told our kids: there is NO easy way to earn money. At least not as easy as Trump had promised you: simply by building a wall or banning the entry of one ethnic group, the latter of which is illegal anyway! To be fair, it is not as easy as allowing everyone to have a college education, either. It is much harder than that.

The world is becoming tougher for an ordinary guy to survive. May the strongest and best contestant win! Not by cheating. But by hardwork.

Neither Trump nor Clinton has the anwer. Do you?

又当爹来又当妈2016-10-11 13:59:15
CirrusCloud2016-10-11 14:23:18
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:26:41
That depends on innovation, which is lacking in China. Imitation
壮士2016-10-11 14:28:42
Doggy12016-10-11 14:30:32
Fake不Fake得看内容吧? 光看谁写的就贴一Fake标签? 嘿嘿 。。。
CirrusCloud2016-10-11 14:30:57
Imitation is a path that Innovation goes through. Children lear
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:33:08
China's reputation proceeds Chinese products. Sad but true.
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:34:34
Glad to hear that! Hope more is coming.
又当爹来又当妈2016-10-11 14:34:52
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:36:06
True. But look at ABC's performance AFTER college.
燕京十景2016-10-11 14:37:07
You know, your son is just one of these ABCs.
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:38:32
So you agree with my assessment.
燕京十景2016-10-11 14:39:21
No. I am amazed by how you trash your own kid.
又当爹来又当妈2016-10-11 14:41:25
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:41:32
with the premise that you agree what I said about ABC's
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:42:27
No. Free world. All discussions are welcome.
燕京十景2016-10-11 14:42:53
Don't put your words in my mouth. I am just laughing at someone
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:43:14
Do a survey among Americans yourself.
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 14:43:58
Then I laugh at your logic, or the lack thereof.
燕京十景2016-10-11 14:44:41
I am afraid you don't know how to proceed with a logical...
Doggy12016-10-11 14:49:07
这便是贵党精英的功劳了。给民众洗脑, 大佬们却一个接着一个往天朝跑。就说小扎吧, 嘿嘿。。。
壮士2016-10-11 14:50:17
又当爹来又当妈2016-10-11 15:18:41
rourou7772016-10-11 15:20:54
shamrock1002016-10-11 16:04:30
呵呵, 如果你记得三十年前日本制造的名声。
Derrick_Liu2016-10-11 16:21:19
German and Japan still sit at the top of manufacturing.
CirrusCloud2016-10-11 16:31:11
tzbcwbc2016-10-11 18:40:32
土棉农2016-10-11 18:50:19
alafaya2016-10-12 21:02:16
兔子的软肋是一定要吃窝边“草” -