孔方兄942020-10-28 13:35:32

I need your comments for the working overlap situation.

Let's say I have 4 weeks unused vacation days. I will take the vacations in my current employer. I need to start working for my new employer ealier(in 2 weeks) than my last working day in my current company.

In this case, I will work overlaps between my two jobs.

Is it legal? Will I have trouble later?

strongwill2020-10-28 16:13:51
No problem
Joy002020-10-28 17:21:45
some company doesn't allow the last two weeks to take vocation.
孔方兄942020-10-28 17:37:30
Thanks for the inputs. I got the same result(no problem) from go
julie1162020-10-28 22:00:50
你的unused vacation 在你离职时会折算成钱。尽量不在离职前休过长的假。
Shanghaigirl982020-10-29 06:16:08
Shanghaigirl982020-10-29 06:18:05
去问一下HR 或看一下公司的员工手册, 上面应该讲得很明确有关离职事项。