newgirls2006-08-11 22:58:09
I am trying to use 3ds max 8 (enlish version, I believe), when I try to input Chinese characters, it shows 乱码.

my system is win xp sp2, englsih, but with chinese enabled. I can easily input Chinese in photoshop, flash etc.

Does 3ds max support chinese input or I am doing something not right?

Any info will be appreciated.

tty2006-08-11 23:27:56
可能和3ds max选字体有关,选字体的对话框要选gb_2312
newgirls2006-08-11 23:48:21
回复:可能和3ds max选字体有关,选字体的对话框要选gb_2312
tty2006-08-11 23:51:18
tty2006-08-11 23:53:20
不是encoding,是script,好比这个图里的Western (图)
newgirls2006-08-12 00:00:42
how to get the choose base font 对话框?
tty2006-08-12 00:05:55
newgirls2006-08-12 00:39:37
do we have to use ps or illustrator for Chinese input in 3ds?
newgirls2006-08-12 00:40:22
Thanks very much, tty