newgirls2006-09-02 17:01:16
Warning! only experts are encoraged to read on!

I have been using two monitor for one computer(one via analog is the secondary monitor, one via DVI is the primary with all the icon on)for many years with a charm. But since last night, my primary monitor (DVI one, with all the desktop icons) fail to show up.
when i right click and pick properites, the dialogue box not in the secondary monitor(i know it is on the primary monitor which fail to

Is there any way to switch the analog one as the primary monitor so I can use all the desktop icons? or How to show the desktop icons to the secondary monitor?

I am using win xp sp2, nvidia video 128mb card. The following are checked for sure:
both monitor are working fine with analog input
both monitor has analog and DVI input, switch both monitor does not help.
Most likely failures:
DVI cable broken
DVI out on the video card problem
both monitor DVI input failure at the same time(not likely)
Computer display setting problem

tty2006-09-02 17:19:01
呵呵,这个很简单 right click on desktop | select
Grant2006-09-02 20:01:08
newgirls2006-09-02 20:29:15
次坛牛人真多, tty 为牛中最牛
newgirls2006-09-02 20:33:00
Grant, thanks for your help
德州老外2006-09-02 23:26:53