Thank-You-So-Much2006-12-14 22:05:36
I use dreamweaver design webpage. I am beginner. I use layer in the specific cell of table. But the layer can't be fixed inside. Its position often change. Please professional friend tell me how do use it. Thanks a lot!
是吧是的2006-12-14 23:58:54
回复:DreamWeaver, How to Fix Layer Position on the Webpage?
Thank-You-So-Much2006-12-15 02:54:58
回复:DreamWeaver, How to Fix Layer Position on the Webpage?
血月2006-12-15 08:16:25
定位的时候考虑position 属性的absolute和relative问题了吗
ssex2006-12-15 21:42:07
thank-you-so-much2006-12-16 02:37:36
回复:定位的时候考虑position 属性的absolute和relative问题了吗
血月2006-12-16 10:17:28