carjack2007-12-06 01:34:32
Ouch, this is the second laptop this year that its screen went dark - the first one was a DV1000, still in Best Buy's Geeksquad; this DV5000 started emitting pinky light at lower L corner for a few seconds when it was turned on a few days ago. Yesterday the screen light was out completely. I am using an external lcd monitor connected to VGA port so I can continue to work.

Has anyone else had this experience? What is the solution - trash it or fix it?


6sa72007-12-06 01:41:04
π2007-12-06 14:08:15
如果Pinky light是在一个角落里,那是LCD的背光灯管要烧了。
carjack2007-12-06 18:05:16
Thank you much! that's in my mind too... sigh
carjack2007-12-06 18:09:15
That's a good thing. Is the light replaceable? how much?
π2007-12-06 19:59:32
按你用的型号,古狗一下“LCD Backlight",价格差别很大,
carjack2007-12-07 01:57:45
Thank you so much... You are the real expert!!!!
carjack2007-12-07 02:15:05
laptop backlight seems inexpensive ~$10 I'll try if I can fix it