Treat2004-01-14 15:16:00
Window XP home edition. After the computer boots up to the log-on screen, no matter which screen name I click to log on, it always says "loading your settings", and then immedicately "logging off, saving your settings", and go back to the log-on screen. I tried to boot up to the safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, but still cann't log on. Is there anyway to make some change to windows XP without loging on to it? What a windows eXetreme Pain!

Is it a virus? since I can't log on to the computer, how can I kill the virus? I can boot the computer from CD-rom (no floppy drive), but what kind of software can kill the virus without starting Windows XP?

Thanks in advance for the help.

dren992004-01-14 17:43:00
Treat2004-01-14 18:41:00
Yes, it is a licensed version
Submariner2004-01-14 19:44:00
Y don't U call Dell's support?
$$^@2004-01-15 02:07:00
recover your OS
ossystems2004-01-15 08:11:00
u must reinstall your