Treat2003-11-25 00:44:00
Because the monitor flinks, I changed the monitor refresh rate from 90 hz to 100 hz. Then the monitor goes wrong and cann't display correctly. I reboot the machine, the monitor is ok for the text-mode, but as soon as the Winnt 4.0 starts graphic-mode, the monitor can't display correctly (I can't log on because I cannot see the screen). Therefore, I can't change the refresh rate back. How can I change the refresh rate back under "DOS" or "safe" mode in Winnt 4.0? Does Winnt 4.0 has a "safe" mode? How can I get into the "safe" mode and change the monitor refresh rate back?


watersdai2003-11-25 01:16:00
回复:Help on WINNT 4.0