1. wxp could not boot correctly, so
2. re-installed from cd-rom the wxp
3. thought the old staff [documents, settings, users,,,,] all gone, so
4. created a new user account [admin], then
5. found almost all the old staff [documents, users] are still there :)_(y) in the Documents and Settings _(^)
6. tried to restore or bring one of the older user's account and its icon back to the new Desktop, so
7. went to add on a new user account,
8. typed the older user's name, but
9. pc said i can not use the computer's name as the user's name, and asked me to create a new name, but
10. i still want to use the old user's name [ happened to be the computer's name too!_:mad: ]
11. now what? just going through: current/new user's account, then--> doc/sets--> find the old user account and his documents, or
12. be able to create a new user account using the old name, or
13. change the computer's name, and how to do so?
14. thanks a lot _(c) _(c) _(c)