cdrw2004-01-15 18:33:00
I ran DVD(no region code) to DVD copy on the fly, it failed after several minutes. It is OK when I ran copy to harddisk first.

The DVD writer is a SONY 4x(2nd IDE pri), the DVD rom is a Maddog(1st IDE slave).

The machine is a Dell 2.4GHz with 768MB ram.

troublefix2004-01-15 19:46:00
回复:DVD to DVD copy question
Submariner2004-01-15 19:55:00
Hey, Rn't U supposed 2 upgrade
cdrw2004-01-16 01:41:00
回复:Hey, Rn't U supposed
cdrw2004-01-16 01:42:00
mma20012004-01-16 08:01:00
回复:DVD to DVD copy question