绿珠2009-01-09 17:42:33
电脑是inspiron 530s, vista 系统, 染毒, 见前贴,

用XP 光盘,重新格式化为XP 操作系统,

现在, 网络连上了,但是, 声卡装不上(从DELL 网站下的, XP FOR inspiron 530s, PATCH_ROXIOCREATOR10DE), 说,dell emc 10.1 could not be located on your sytstem. re_install dell emc 10.1 and then run this pactch again.

装显卡, (从DELL 网站下的,XP FOR inspiron 530s, )说, "This application has failed to start because the application is incorrect. reinstalling the application may fix the problem".


wenren122009-01-09 18:05:05
update XP to sp3 may help. 自己动手将WINDOW VISTA 转成XP: 声卡, 显卡安装问题
rx3002009-01-09 19:39:26
先找到声卡, 显卡是哪家产的
rx3002009-01-09 19:41:14
绿珠2009-01-09 20:16:15
绿珠2009-01-09 20:40:15
绿珠2009-01-09 20:42:40
下载SP1, 安装提示,
rx3002009-01-09 23:06:49
rx3002009-01-09 23:17:39
集成显卡用INTEL G33的驱动
wenren122009-01-10 06:18:36
some sugestion. 神仙请指示,
wenren122009-01-10 07:03:33
further guess.
MQL2009-01-11 05:03:21
I jut bought an old Windows XP PC from eBay for $168.
rx3002009-01-11 06:11:41
人文小姐 下次用EasyBCD设置XP/VISTA双启动
wenren122009-01-11 15:40:58
thank you for your advise. 下次用EasyBCD设置XP/VISTA双启动