绿珠2009-01-09 21:20:23
重新格式机器, 装XP.已经可以用网, WORD, 但是声卡和显卡还没有装成

用RUN-WINVER 没有看到SERVICE PACK信息, 觉的可能没有SP,先装SP3, 提示, 至少先有SP1,

于是下了SP1, 但是安装不成, 提示, "the version of windows you have installed does not match the update you are trying to install"

快要死了, 请各位贤达伸手帮帮小女子吧, 不胜感激啊!
ohlalala2009-01-09 21:27:52
post output from "winver"
绿珠2009-01-09 21:51:15
output from "winver"
ohlalala2009-01-09 22:22:45
looks like it's not patched.
rx3002009-01-09 22:54:51
如果是正版可以到微软自动下载SERVICE PACK
绿珠2009-01-10 01:40:21
search result
jinyi2009-01-10 02:55:28
wenren122009-01-10 07:27:21
Pls check your QQH 悄悄话-life is good. WINDOWS XP 和 SERVICE PACK1
MQL2009-01-11 05:00:22
Your XP restore CD should have all the drivers.