history20082010-01-22 01:46:12
Just tried the freezer trick to revive my HP Dv5 laptop battery, it is really working so far. I follow the instruction online, wrap it with 3 layers of newspaper, put it into zip bag. 3 days in the freezer, 2 days in room temp with newspaper wrapped, 2 days in room temp without newspaper, and then recharge without switch on the laptop for 12 hours. Now it is showing 100% after 30 minutes, looks unreal, it was only able to hold 10 minutes max. Calibration doesn't work, so I decide to try this trick.

I will update the condition in 3 days.
6sa72010-01-22 02:42:38
谜一样的小狼2010-01-22 07:34:37
有没有想玩永恒之塔私服的 一起玩 人少没意思
走万里路2010-01-22 14:04:46
报社记者2010-01-24 14:30:46