首页新闻2010-01-27 20:28:20
快讯:苹果iPAD刚刚发布了,抢先来看看(LIVE视频) 苹果刚刚召开了名为“Latest Creation”的新品发布会,此前传闻呼声最大的就是苹果的平板电脑(名字可能是iPad或 iSlate ),全球各地的苹果迷都在等待乔布斯的登场,给我们献上一份新年的惊喜,乔布斯刚刚登场了,它的名字就叫“iPAD”。 1月27日消息,苹果公司CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯刚刚宣布推出传闻已久的平板电脑iPad,分为支持WiFi和支持WiFi+3G两个版本,有16GB、32GB和64GB三种容量大小,支持WiFi版的16GB容量的iPad最低售价为499美元。   在宣布推出平板电脑iPad之前,乔布斯以这样的开场白亮相,“我们已经有了iPhone(手机上网)和笔记本,但是在他们之间我们还需要一个什么产品。”   乔布斯接着表示,而现在很多人的选择是上网本,非常便宜但是样子很丑,其实就是个廉价的笔记本产品 而且浪费大家的钱。   之后乔布斯便拿出了平板电脑iPad开始介绍,“支持多点触控,采用iPhone操作系统,内置了地图、日历、youtube、itunes store等应用。”   乔布斯开始谈论iPad的参数细节,厚度为1.27厘米,重量为0.681千克,配备9.7英寸IPS显示屏,支持最新的802.11n WIFI和2.1+EDR的蓝牙,使用1GHz CPU,分别有16GB 32GB 64GB的存储容量,最长10小时的待机时间,并且电池是可以更换的。 Apple Unveils the iPad - New York Post 现场LIVE收看发布会及讨论....

You may also be interested in following the event live via our Twitter page, this live blog, or The Apple Blog's live coverage.

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Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces new $499 iPad with AT&T, says it's more intimate than laptop.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Apple will sell its newly unveiled tablet-style iPad starting at $499.

The iPad resembles an iPhone, but larger. Apple will sell some iPad models with data plans from AT&T, with no contract required.

Apple Inc. will have to convince consumers, many of whom already have Internet-connected phones, computers and TVs, that they'll want to pay that much for such a device, when many small, lightweight "netbooks" cost less than $400.

CEO Steve Jobs says the iPad will be better for reading books, playing games and watching video than either a laptop or a smart phone.

The initial price is likely to drop. Apple sold the first iPhone for $599 but slashed the price to $399 after a few months, upsetting early buyers.

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Mr.Coffee2010-01-27 21:55:54
fitwxc2010-01-27 23:03:09