hello22010-05-02 01:13:35
想用remote desktop to access the other one,

i can see they both in the same windows xp workgroup.

but when i try remote desktop,
it says it cannot find the other pc.

any suggestion ?
egame2010-05-02 01:24:05
you need XP professional edition
hello22010-05-02 02:31:59
how to use vnc then ?
赤城霞起2010-05-02 03:11:13
Did you run the VNC server?
hello22010-05-02 03:46:47
yes, i did in the other pc
赤城霞起2010-05-02 03:55:19
Can you use VNC viewer to connect localhost?
zneteng2010-05-03 06:12:38
maybe user permission need modify
////2010-05-03 13:51:22
in target PC: My Computer/properties/remote/set allow connection