hello22010-08-06 17:43:33
windows 7, Netgear WG111

installed it, choosed "wep", "128 bit", input the security key,
(there's signal in the signal bar)
then the netgear icon in the PC just keeps on running until it times out.

i tried to test wireless using laptop using the same config, it works fine.

any suggestions ?

flywhc2010-08-06 18:28:41
kaolabear2010-08-07 02:36:53
这么说我家里的wireless router设定的是WEP的话,也不安全吗?Thx!
wooddiy2010-08-07 04:03:34
1 minute is what really needed! Change to WAP at least
kaolabear2010-08-07 05:15:49
flywhc2010-08-08 03:10:30
kaolabear2010-08-08 05:54:46
Oh my...我前一段上网确实很慢,我以为是router坏了,
stocktraders2010-08-08 19:15:22
如果ROUTER上限定了MAC address, 也会出现你说的
wooddiy2010-08-09 17:50:22
yes. NOwhere is safe.