2. 煩人的AT&T 2wire router choking/handshake problem 徹底解決了。
Thank you fitwxc!!
This is my personal experience, I am a newbie in this cell phone hack business, so don't ask me sophisticated questions please.
Followed fitwxc's recommendation and got a sprint touch pro 2 from ebay. Won the first bid ever, new handset with some extras. Quick delivery. I can qqh you the seller's name if you need to. I don't know he has any extra. 245$, no shipping, delivered in 2 days. He will send me an extra battery free of charge.
Then, unlock the phone using hspl (search the howard forum, it is everywhere, free of charge, very easy). I don't know who to check if it is truly unlocked, but after hspl, if you dial a number, there will be a voice message telling you that there is no service. Before that, there is nothing.
Then, install chinese font and sogou chinese input as recommended by fitwxc. Use activsync, unzip the file and move everything into Program folder of the handset, then run the cab file for the font and chinese input, no chinese display yet. Download resco explorer (trial version), install it into the TP2 using activsync. You can find the resco file explorer on the screen. Open it, click the telescope tab, and search nls (file type). Three will come up. Then click the old wince.nls and then go to menu and send it to whereever you want. Then go back and click the winCE.nls (for chinese font) and go to menu and click paste, the handset will ask you if you want to paste the new winCE.nls over the old wince.nls, click yes, then the handset will warn you that this could damage the rom, click ok or continue, then the new winCE.nls is copied to the window folder of the handset and replaced the old one. Then soft reset the handset and you got chinese font and input method.
Now the most difficult part, to get the tP2 on boost mobile. There are 4 different ways:
1. Call boost mobile direct and beg the service person to activate you tp2 to boost mobile as a new customer, it might work. But i didn't try that route.
2. Contact silverspooncell and they will flash your tp2 and get you on boost mobile for 129 usd.
3. get a boostmobile phone and activate the service, then do a ESN swap on sprint.com, basically you open two account with the same phone number and then you upgrade one account using the ESN of your tp2 handset. I tried it soon after I got the new boostmobile phone, cannot open an account using the boostmobile number, was told the number is not related to me. Maybe it is way to early for sprint to update their data bank.
4. Get a boostmobile phone and activate the service, then call boost mobile and talk to their rep and transfer the boost mobile number into you tp2. This is what I did. I went to radioshack and found the cheapest boost mobile phone, a motto w385 for 29.99 after 20 dollar instant rebate. Activated the account and chose the "pay as you go plan" and put in 20 USD. When I got home, I first tried the #3 method with no luck. Then I called boost mobile. Boost mobile 888,866 number is like a no-man land, extremely hard to find a live rep. I googled "find a live rep on boost mobile" and this is what I found:
How to reach a live person:
Press 2 at each prompt
Hours of Operation:
4am PST – 11pm PST
7 days a week
Customer service link:
Click Here
Alternate instructions for reaching a person:
Wait until the menu goes to english and then press 5, then 0, then 1
I did the 5. 0, 1, and got a prompt to put in my number, I heard my balance in the account, then I was told to put in the pin for my boost mobile account ( you get that when you sign up your phone/service at radioshack), I did, then it transferred me to the rep and I got connected within 5 sec!!!
I told him what I want, he asked me to give him the ESN (the number after DEX), and viola, I was told it went through. He then told me to reprogram the phone and change the old MEN to my new number and also changed MEID, then hard reset, and I can make the call!!! The 3G works very well, close to wi-fi. The youtube needs some buffering,but the image quality is really really good. I will work on MMS tomorrow.
About the router, it has frequent drop of connection when I do bt/thunder download and it has significant handshake problem with the asus ul-50. I read about it and found somebody using netgear DGN2000 router and decided to give it a try. Staple has it for 100, I bought it from there so I can return it should it doesn't work. For anyone trying to work with netgear router, make sure you have you dsl login and password, no kidding. You never need them but yes you have them when you set up your dsl router. You can all ATT and they will give it to you. Then set up the router becomes very easy, and now I have a steady connection when I bt and my asus doesn't choke any more. For those unhappy about their 2wire router, go with the netgear, it made me a happy camper.