sunnycuper2010-08-16 16:33:47
求教: Do you have any idea to copy the data from a non-bootable laptop HD (IBM Travelstar 40G, as my old laptop crashed)through USB interface of my another PC.
95182010-08-16 17:10:20
如果电脑还能起来,可以考虑用外置的USB DRIVE或者HDD.
sunnycuper2010-08-16 17:18:37
电脑起不来了, HDD拿出来了, 不知道如何连到别的电脑的USB接口上去
95182010-08-16 17:24:53
95182010-08-16 17:28:13
冬心2010-08-16 18:39:27
买一条这样的USB Cable, 就可以接到能工作的电脑转移数据了。
sunnycuper2010-08-16 22:37:07
Thank you so much. But the HDD interface is PCB with
sunnycuper2010-08-16 23:10:21
Thanks. But this USB cable also does not have the interface
95182010-08-17 01:50:41
冬心2010-08-17 06:17:59
just remove the golden finger ,
sunnycuper2010-08-17 07:24:30
Thank you all very much. I just connected the HDD to USB