internuts2010-10-16 19:07:58

Hi, I ran into an issue - registered ipkall and got a phone number 206xxxxxxx, setting GV to forward to this phone number, but GV indicated that this number has already been registered twice by other people, therefore can't forward...

Here is what I did:

on ipkall, entered a 10-digits to "sip phone no"

entered (taken from modem "internet address")

ipkall generated the phone number 206xxxxxx

Anything wrong here?  thx


chat0922010-10-16 19:53:36
on ipkall's web register as following
chat0922010-10-16 19:55:53
replace rynge with nonoh
internuts2010-10-16 20:02:41
Thanks Chat092!!
internuts2010-10-16 20:34:20
Hi Chat092, pls take a look
chat0922010-10-16 21:38:11
ipkall cannot register on SPA1001
internuts2010-10-16 22:05:54
There might be other errors?
chat0922010-10-17 00:23:54
on SPA1001 info page, you should have line1 status: registered
internuts2010-10-17 01:11:26
Still having problems:
internuts2010-10-17 01:16:58
Here is symptoms
chat0922010-10-17 01:27:46
have you get external IP on the SPA1001 info page?
chat0922010-10-17 01:34:00
should be