rockcream2012-11-19 03:58:48

I tried to buy a mide-level(range) pre-built gaming desktop pc, The burget is below $700.00( not include minitor). I am not interested in build game pc by myself.

1. Beside cyberpowerPC,IBuyPower and alienware, are there any brand names for game pc?

2. I really do not have enough knowledge to choose which one is good deal. So I try to buy the game pc based on the customer rating and review. has great rate and review but it is out of stock, has great rate and review but it is beyond my burget.


Flyboat2012-11-19 04:57:38
tianfangye2012-11-19 05:31:02
不要迷信BRAND NAME,INTC i7 CPU W8 GB RAM....都不会差,价格可能更合理
lovecorn2012-11-19 05:36:43
pci-x v3 a must?
加州老李2012-11-19 16:06:09
第一台计算机的FX-4100 CPU跟HD 6670显示卡相比,有点头重脚轻。
加州老李2012-11-19 16:19:56
第一台计算机的HD 6670显示卡,Memory Interface只有128位,玩游戏你可能会很失望的。
rockcream2012-11-19 17:27:12
大侠看这个, 帮我选一下CPU和显示卡
加州老李2012-11-19 21:37:03
中档GAME PC,显示卡可选HD 7770,主板一定要有USB3.0口,任何四核CPU都可以。
rockcream2012-11-20 01:35:08
加州老李2012-11-20 01:57:16
加州老李2012-11-20 02:07:46
另外,HD webcam, Blu-Ray drives也需要USB 3.0口。
在座2012-11-21 03:14:29
Game PC要自己装.i5+7850(跳频)显卡足够跑现在所有游戏.